Source code for frost.client

import os
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from .models import SourcesResponse
from .models import AvailableTimeSeriesResponse
from .models import ObservationsResponse

FROST_API_KEY = os.environ.get('FROST_API_KEY', None)

[docs]class APIError(Exception): """ Raised when the API responds with a 400 og 404 """ def __init__(self, e): self.code = e['code']
[docs]class Frost(object): """Interface to API The Frost API key should be exposed as a environment variable called `FROST_API_KEY` or passed as a username parameter when creating and instance of the class. >>> frost = Frost(username="myapikey") """ def __init__(self, username=None): """ :param str username: your own username/key. """ self.base_url = '' self.api_version = 'v0' self.session = requests.Session() self.username = username or FROST_API_KEY if not self.username: raise Exception( """ You must provide a username parameter or set the FROST_API_KEY environment variable to use the Frost class """) self.session.auth = (self.username, '') def let_it_go(self): return """ Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway """ def stringify_kwargs(self, kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): if type(kwargs[key]) == list: kwargs[key] = ",".join(value) return kwargs
[docs] def make_request(self, method, **kwargs): """ Make an API request, with all kwargs passed through as URL params """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, method + '/' + self.api_version + '.jsonld') response = self.session.get( url, params=kwargs, timeout=60) if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 500: response.raise_for_status() json = response.json() if 'data' in json: return json['data'] if 'error' in json: raise APIError(json['error']) return json
[docs] def get_sources(self, **kwargs): """Get metadata for the source entitites defined in the Frost API. Use the query parameters to filter the set of sources returned. :param str ids: The Frost API source ID(s) that you want metadata for. Enter a list or Python list to select multiple sources. :param str types: The type of Frost API source that you want metadata for. :param str geometry: Get Frost API sources defined by a specified geometry. Geometries are specified as either nearest(POINT(...)) or POLYGON(...) :param str nearestmaxcount: The maximum number of sources returned when using nearest(POINT(...)) for geometry. The default value is 1. :param str validtime: If specified, only sources that have been, or still are, valid/applicable during some part of this interval may be included in the result. Specify date/date;, date/now, dategt or now, where dategt is of the form YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2017-03-06. The default is 'now', i.e. only currently valid/applicable sources are included. :param str name: If specified, only sources whose 'name' attribute matches this :param str country: If specified, only sources whose 'country' or 'countryCode' attribute matches this :param str county: If specified, only sources whose 'county' or 'countyId' attribute matches this . :param str municipality: If specified, only sources whose 'municipality' or 'municipalityId' attribute matches this :param str wmoid: If specified, only sources whose 'wmoId' attribute matches this :param str stationholder: If specified, only sources whose 'stationHolders' attribute contains at least one name that matches this :param str externalid: If specified, only sources whose 'externalIds' attribute contains at least one name that matches this :param str fields: A list of the fields that should be present in the response. :returns: :meth:`SourcesResponse` :raises APIError: raises exception if error in the returned data or not found. :examples: >>> f = Frost() >>> f.get_sources(county='12') """ kwargs = self.stringify_kwargs(kwargs) res = self.make_request('sources', **kwargs ) return SourcesResponse(res)
[docs] def get_available_timeseries(self, include_sourcemeta=False, **kwargs): """Find timeseries metadata by source and/or element :param bool include_sourcemeta: If True will return a tuple with time series and source meta. :param list/str sources: The ID(s) of the data sources to get time series for :param str referencetime: The time range to get time series for as extended ISO-8601 format. :param list/str elements: The elements to get time series for as a list of Element ids. :param list/str timeoffsets: The time offsets to get time series for as a list of ISO-8601 periods, e.g. 'PT6H,PT18H'. If left out, the output is not filtered on time offset. :param list/str timeresolutions: The time resolutions to get time @ series for as a list of ISO-8601 periods, e.g. 'PT6H,PT18H'. If left out, the output is not filtered on time resolution. :param str timeseriesids: The internal time series IDs to get time @ series for as a list of integers, e.g. '0,1'. If left out, the output is not filtered on internal time series ID. :param str performancecategories: The performance categories to get time series for as a list of letters, e.g. 'A,C'. If left out, the output is not filtered on performance category. :param str exposurecategories: The exposure categories to get time series for as a list of integers, e.g. '1,2'. If left out, the output is not filtered on exposure category. :param str levels: The sensor levels to get observations for as a list of numbers, e.g. '0.1,2,10,20'. If left out, the output is not filtered on sensor level. :param str level_types: The sensor level types to get records for as a list of search filters :param str level_units: The sensor level units to get records for as a list of search filters :param str fields: Fields to include in the output as a list. If specified, only these fields are included in the output. If left out, all fields are included. :returns: :meth:`AvailableTimeSeriesResponse` :raises APIError: raises exception if error in the returned data or not found. """ kwargs = self.stringify_kwargs(kwargs) res = self.make_request('observations/availableTimeSeries', **kwargs ) sources = None if include_sourcemeta: source_ids = list(set([s["sourceId"].split(':')[0] for s in res])) sources = self.get_sources(ids=source_ids) return AvailableTimeSeriesResponse(res, sources=sources)
[docs] def get_observations(self, include_sourcemeta=False, **kwargs): """Get observation data from the Frost API. :param bool include_sourcemeta: If True will return a tuple with time series and source meta. :param list/str sources: The ID(s) of the data sources to get observations for as a list of Frost API station IDs, e.g. _SN18700_ for Blindern. :param str referencetime: The time range to get observations for in either extended ISO-8601 format or the single word 'latest'. :param list/str elements: The elements to get observations for as a list of names that follow the Frost API naming convention. :param str format: The output format of the result. (required) :param str maxage: The maximum observation age as an ISO-8601 period, like 'P1D'. Applicable only when referencetime=latest. In general, the lower the value of maxage, the shorter the request will take to complete. The default value is 'PT3H'. :param str limit: The maximum number of observation times to be returned for each source/element combination, counting from the most recent time. Applicable only when referencetime=latest. Specify either 'all' to get all available times, or a positive integer. The default value is 1. :param list/str timeoffsets: The time offsets to get observations for as a list of ISO-8601 periods, e.g. 'PT6H,PT18H'. If left out, the output is not filtered on time offset. :param list/str timeresolutions: The time resolutions to get observations for as a list of ISO-8601 periods, e.g. 'PT6H,PT18H'. If left out, the output is not filtered on time resolution. :param str timeseriesids: The internal time series IDs to get observations for as a list of integers, e.g. '0,1'. If left out, the output is not filtered on internal time series ID. :param str performancecategories: The performance categories to get observations for as a list of letters, e.g. 'A,C'. Enter a list to specify multiple performance categories. If left out, the output is not filtered on performance category. :param str exposurecategories: The exposure categories to get observations for as a list of integers, e.g. '1,2'. If left out, the output is not filtered on exposure category. :param str levels: The sensor levels to get observations for as a list of numbers, e.g. '0.1,2,10,20'. If left out, the output is not filtered on sensor level. :param str fields: Fields to include in the output as a list. If specified, only these fields are included in the output. If left out, all fields are included. :returns: :meth:`ObservationsResponse` :raises APIError: raises exception if error in the returned data or not found. """ kwargs = self.stringify_kwargs(kwargs) res = self.make_request('observations', **kwargs ) sources = None if include_sourcemeta: source_ids = list(set([s["sourceId"].split(':')[0] for s in res])) sources = self.get_sources(ids=source_ids) return ObservationsResponse(res, sources=sources)